I realized the other day that I failed to update post on update on our relationship until we had the baby. It’s crazy the way the Lord works things out for HIS good. I married the love of my life last October... When I look back on our journey to that point it can almost be comical at times. I met Jerry when I was just 16 years old… almost 17 years ago. We were in a relationship off and on throughout those years, but I knew that the Lord would need to change his heart and his direction in order for us to be together. I hope one day I can get him to share his story with you, because I think it will reveal the Lord in a way that maybe you don’t know Him. The Lord never gave up on Jerry; He loved him and pursued him until the time came when Jerry desperately cried out for the Lord to reveal Himself to him and help him change. This is the day that changed the trajectory of his life, and ultimately our relationship. I will forever thank the Lord for never giving up on Jerry or me for that matter. It is an honor to walk side by side with a changed man who is complete evidence of the Lord’s goodness and love for each of us. I can say with complete confidence that had the Lord not changed Jerry’s heart, getting through December and each day since would be pretty much impossible. I don’t know what you have been through, but I know with certainty that the Lord has not given up on you. He is there waiting on you to turn to Him, to be vulnerable enough to admit that you absolutely cannot do it without Him. You may try, but you will not have a full life without the Lord. Stay tuned for a post about our perfect day when Jerry Wayne Greene became my husband.

photo credit Miranda Taack